Detailed description




QSciTech is a Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program funded by NSERC. QSciTech aims at training the next generation of scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to support the development of quantum technologies and the associated industry. QSciTech is offered through a partnership between Université de Sherbrooke, McGill University, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Concordia University, Université de Montréal, Simon Fraser University and Université Laval.

The rationale underlying QSciTech is that deploying quantum technologies in real-world applications requires quantum science, but also engineering methods and solutions to increase uniformity, yield, and reliability. Business knowledge is also necessayr to ensure economic and societal impact.

The purpose of the QSciTech program is to provide practical collaborative training to graduate students in physics, engineering, computer science, mathematics, and other disciplines, giving them the opportunity to experience the whole chain of development needed for quantum technologies success, and build skills associated with this process. Building atop the graduate student’s research project, the training encompasses:

See Targeted skills for more details. The program also includes a mandatory internship in the quantum industry (see Internships format for more information).




The QSciTech program pursues the following objectives for its trainees :




The program comprises three training phases:

These phases are described in more detail below. Each year, there is also a summer school which QSciTech trainees must attend. See the Summer school section for details.

Note: Postdoctoral participants must complete phases 1 and 2 , but phase 3 is not required.




Each of Phases 1 and 2 are typically, but not necessarily, carried out during a term in parallel to the student’s regular academic research program activities. Flexibility is allowed: courses can be taken in a different order or over more than 2 terms if necessary.

Phase 1 – Multidisciplinary training
•    Engineers & non-physicists take Course 1A - Quantum Mechanics for Engineers at UdeS or an equivalent in their university;
•    Physicists and non-engineers take Course 1B - Engineering Design and Project Management at UdeS or an equivalent in their university;
•    All students take Essential Professional Skills courses: Course 1C  - R&D and Entrepreneurship and Course 1D - IP & Innovation, at UdeS or equivalent in their university or from Mitacs.

Phase 2 – Interdisciplinary teamwork
•    All students take the problem-based learning (PBL) Course 2  -Business models for entrepreneurship projects in quantum technologies at UdeS.
•    This is the backbone course of the program
•    All students (physicists, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, etc.) are brought together, to work in interdisciplinary teams on a specific quantum technology of their choice.

The content and particularities (equivalency, requirements) of courses for Phases 1 and 2 are described in the Courses page of this website.

Phase 3: Internships in industry
Every student enrolled in QSciTech must do an internship of 4 months (or more if desired) in the quantum technology industry. See the Internships format page for further details.

The internship is not mandatory for postdoctoral participants.




QSciTech offers funding to support professors in the hiring of students (and a limited number of postdocs) in quantum science, technology, and materials. In certain cases, QSciTech students can be awarded extra scholarship for their participation, and the program also provides funding for international exchanges and laboratory training. Furthermore, QSciTech supports undergraduate internships in university research laboratories. For all details and conditions, see the Financial support page.




Please see the Admissibility page for more details.




Please see the Apply page to learn how to participate.