QSciTech is very proud of Eve Langelier and her team for the recent publication of the Guide to Identifying EDI realted challenges. This guide assists those seeking research grants by providing guidance on how to consider the challenges faced by research team members and how to appropriately address them in an intervention plan. Eve Langelier ...
QSciTech is a training program that aims at training the next generation of quantum scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs in the field of quantum science and technologies. QSciTech is funded by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) through its CREATE (Collaborative Research and Training Experience) program. The program comprises training in entrepreneurship, intellectual ...
La quantique se prépare à rayonner à Sherbrooke 7 décembre | Stéphanie Dubreuil Le vendredi 3 décembre dernier, l’Accélérateur entrepreneurial Desjardins (AED) de l’UdeS assurait la production de l’événement dans le cadre du cours ACT800 – Modèles d’affaires de projets entrepreneuriaux de technologies quantiques. Offert dans le cadre du programme de formation QSciTech ...